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Dec 22, 2019

Sarah Read (author of The Bone Weaver's Orchard) stopped by the podcast this week to discuss spooky schools, breaking into buildings, ghost tours at the infamous Stanley Hotel, and how to make gothic horror pancakes.

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Dec 15, 2019

Stephen Graham Jones (author of The Only Good Indians) might as well have a PHD in slashers. In this week's episode, SGJ was kind enough to sit down and talk with me about defining the subgenre, how Scream changed his life, and why horror reboots aren't always a negative thing.

Pre-order The Only Good Indians. 

Dec 8, 2019

W. P. Johnson (author of The Eight Eyes That Watch You Die) knows more spider jokes than a spider-themed jokebook. He also, coincidentally, penned one of the creepiest horror collections of 2019. In this week's episode, Johnson talks about movie theater anxieties, gnarly body horror, and the time he ruined a potential...

Dec 1, 2019

Scott Kemper (co-host of the Staring into the Abyss podcast) loves the concept of video games. Personally, video games terrify me. Together, we came up with six solid recommendations for anybody interested in spooky games. Also, why isn't there a Lifetime movie called I Skyped with a Ghost?

Listen to Staring into the...